When you receive your monthly salary, the amount credited to your account may often differ from the gross salary mentioned in your offer letter or employment agreement. This difference is due to various deductions. Knowing how to check and understand these deductions...
In today’s fast-changing world, the ability to learn and adapt has become essential for career success. Long gone are the days when a single degree or skillset could support an entire career. Now, lifelong learning and continuous upskilling are key to confidently...
In a world where competition is fierce and industries are evolving rapidly, having technical expertise is no longer enough. Employers are now looking for something extra—soft skills. These are the personal and interpersonal abilities that help people work well with...
As we step into 2025, the recruitment landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace. To stay ahead of the curve, organizations must adopt forward-thinking strategies that address shifting workforce dynamics and emerging technologies. Here’s a closer look at the key...